Saturday, December 22, 2007

Odds and Ends

Not much happening here today - well, that's not right, there's a lot it's just not interesting.

I've spent the morning doing laundry and starting to clean the house. I still have to go to the restaurant tonight and work tomorrow so I'm trying to pack a lot of things into a small amount of time. I am having motivational issues though - I'm currently sitting with a cat on my lap, all warm and cozy. It's going to be tough to get everything done!

I did manage to take some time to do the Smart or Stoopid? test over on Scoober's blog, that was fun, and I actually did better than I expected!

Verdict: Smart
Average Score is 17.9
Your Score is 22
You are 22.8% smarter than average

(Here's the part where I tell you that I committed at least 7 typos, and couldn't find the percent sign as I typed the results - so really how smart is smart?)

Oh I almost forgot - Happy Solstice! I'm super excited about that. Today is the longest day of the year - which means I'll get .7 seconds of daylight (well that's how it feels anyway) today. So why am I excited? Because from here on in the days get longer! And that means that soon I won't have to wake up in the dark and go home in the dark, and generally live in the dark.

Okay - I'm off to do something interesting, just so that I have something to post about!

Current Music: Christmas Pics - Barenaked Ladies


Scoobers said...

I think we're all doing the same things right about now. Wrapping, cleaning, laundering, eating chocolate...

You're practically a GENIUS! How'd you react to the timer?? After I saw that I froze and missed the 'letters' question!

Happy Shortest Day of the Year!

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