Technically I've been blogging for two years now, in reality it's been less than a year. I started the blog way back in 2006, but never really did anything with it until I picked it back up last May. In any case, my little blogaversary widget says today's the day - so let's par-tay! Well, actually I'd rather not, it's kind of nice to just sit here and catch up on the tivo and blogging (which seems oddly appropriate).Thanks for the wonderful Birthday wishes, it started off a bit rough but ended up a good day in the end.
I only say that it started off a bit rough, because I was still working at the restaurant at 2am Friday night/Saturday morning. It had been my birthday for 2 hours and I there I was cleaning up after a big 21st birthday celebration (I can guarantee that the birthday girl is probably still in a bad way!). Usually Friday nights at the restaurant are fairly quiet and I'm home by 11, this Friday not so much. The good news is that the parents of the 21 year old realized that they had asked a lot and tipped me a hundred bucks, so that takes the sting out a bit :-)!
For the actual day, Scott planned a big birthday adventure day with J & M (almost all by himself). So we started off by going to the Detroit Institute of Arts, then headed out for a fun dinner in Rochester, and finished off the evening by going to see the Blue Man Group (not the greatest seats, but it was still fun!). It was a really great day -doing my favorite things with our friends - out on a glorious sunny winter day. And on the gift front, I did pretty well, Scott gave me a speaker thing-y for my i-pod and a great day out, J&M bought me a great dinner and my Mom and Dad sent me a Wii (that's the best one :-).So that's the report back on the actual birthday - as for being 36, we'll see how the rest of the year plays out shall we?
I may not post much till the first of March, I'm a bit busy at work and I need to preserve my "creative abilities" for NaBloPoMo. Apparently there is a theme and it will be "lists", haven't decided if I'll go along with that or not just yet. And Lori, it's a fine question - just one that I've avoided talking about here, but I promise to tackle your question on my first NaBloPoMo post.
Current Music: watching 30 Minute Meals, but if I hear her say "delish" one more time I'm turning it off!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Happy Blogaversary to Me
Posted by Mandy Lou at 10:29 AM
Labels: birthdays, blog-a-licious, family, love
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Love the picture! Y'all are such a cute couple! Nice to see Mandy Lou finally! :)
Glad you had a great birthday!
Happy Blogversary!
Look how cute you are! It sounds like you had a wonderful day to celebrate your birthday, and seriously!? A Wii!!?? You've got the dream present my sons beg for at every gift giving opportunity! I'd like to score one for myself for my birthday!
Hope you have a good week!
I agree with Katie, Nice to finally put a face to the name, Mandy Lou really is your name right? Just kidding.
Somehow I missed that it was your birthday, I thought you said it was your cats birthday, anyway never mind, Happy Belated Birthday.
I got a wii this summer and I love it. The sports games are a blast, and now we have added guitar hero to our game collection and it's very fun too.
(glad I didn't offend)
Hmmmm.... just catching up and wanted to wish you a Very Merry (& Happy) Birthday. Hope it was great!
So NaBloPoMo is back in March huh? Maybe I need a little faux policing to keep me a little more regular as well. Blogging that is.
Happy Blogversary!
Happy Blogaversary to YOU! I've been out of the loop for quite a while! I've missed you! :)
Happy BDay, as well!
you're so sweet, lookatcha!
happy belated birthday and happy blogiversary!
I would love to see the blue man group....
sounds like a great day to me! good for you!
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