Sunday, January 02, 2011

I Double Dog Dare Me

Nothing like a good dare to get me to blog a bit! So what if it took a running and blogging challenge to get me doing it, I'm blogging. Though I wonder, do I have to blog every day? 'Cause I'm managing to run every day but not blogging every day. Well I guess it's not that big a concern at this point, given the fact that it's only the 2nd day of January. So here we are on day two, and miraculously I have run both days!

Last January I logged 40.84 miles (both running and walking) so I'm kinda hoping that I can get somewhere around there. But I'm trying not to kid myself since this time last year I wasn't working and all I really had to do was get up take mom to what ever doctors appointment/clinic visit/errand was on the schedule for the day. But still if I can keep it up I'll have another good mileage month.

Anyway, onto to the running. Yesterday was lovely, sunny, warmish and
I got to drag my friend's kid with me. Today was a different story, cold, windy rainy and the wind was forever head on when ever I was going up a hill (which is kinda odd given the fact that
I went up three different hills that were pointing in three different
directions). But the good news about today's run is that I managed to get it out of the way before this happened...

Yeah, it actually SNOWED in LA today. And that's saying something, since the last time it really snowed in LA was 1989. Oddly enough it's actually sticking and staying put for now (which could be a problem since I really need to drive over the Grapevine tomorrow). At this point I'm really hoping that it's gone by tomorrow morning so I can run before I hit the road back up north.

But I guess you'll have to tune back in to find out about that tomorrow :)

Current Music: No tunes, just a House marathon on tv


Bronwyn said...

Good for you! You can run my share. I plan to log about that many miles in couch time!

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