Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I Need Help...

Alright, I know I'm not supposed to be posting today (not that I shouldn't, I just don't need to), but I thought that it was insanely funny that this morning in the shower I was trying to think about what I would blog about today. I guess that blogging for two straight months gets you in the habit...

Current Music: Rehab - Amy Winehouse


kimmyk said...

i think you should blog today.

amy winehouse is a train wreck isn't she?


Just Laura said...

Okay, I've been out of it for a while so catch me up... why aren't you supposed to blog today? Glad you had a great New Year's Eve, hope Scott is feeling better.

for a different kind of girl said...

Guess what!? You blogged yesterday!

My average is three times a week, and sometimes I think that is about two times too many!

Anonymous said...

keep on bloggin', Mandy Lou! happy Friday to you!

Scoobers said...

i seem to be in a blogger funk. i gave up on holidailies just before christmas. so, props to you for completing TWO MONTHS OF NON-STOP BLOGGING (insert confetti and balloons here)!!!

i swear everything turns into a song to me:
'you can blog if you want to... you can blog your friends behind. but if your friends don't blog and if you don't blog... then you're still a friend of mine'


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