... was actually a while ago. I had most of it typed up and ready to go, but I was in California and didn't have easy access to a computer and a bunch of other excuses. Anyway here it is, the much awaited One Hundred (and twelfth) post.
I guess I should thank NaBloPoMo - it would have taken a lot longer to get to the magical 100 if I hadn't. But come to think of it, I'm not so sure what's so spiffy about the 100th post. Does it make you a real blogger? Is it a rite of passage? Do I get a prize?
Anyway, way back when Scoobers did her 100th, I told her I was going to steal her idea for 100 Things About Me, so here it goes...
1. I am a kitchen designer
2. I graduated with a degree in Psychology, but I went back to school for a degree in Interior Design
3. My first car was a Mazda 323 and I cried when I sold it
4. I have know Scott since I was nineteen
5. I am a Pisces
6. In my family we are all twin signs, two Pisces and two Gemini
7. I was born in the Year of the Rat
8. George is the sixth Airedale I've had, but the first that wasn't a "family" dog
9. I stared First Grade early, so I was a year younger than all my classmates
10. I failed my first driving test
11. I am a scrapbooker
12. I can be very creative, but rarely have the opportunity
13. I think my feet are seriously ugly
14. Because I think my feet are ugly, I keep my toenails painted almost all the time
15. I have a stuffed animal that I've had since I was 10 - and sometimes (when I've had an incredibly bad day) I will sleep with him
16. I feel exceptionally lost without my cell phone
17. My first job was busing tables at a local restaurant
18. I have two bad knees, but not bad enough to operate on
19. I play too much computer solitaire
20. There are days when I miss my two cats that died so much that it hurts
21. I watch way too much TV
22. I'm addicted to the music on Grey's Anatomy
23. I was born and raised in Oakland, California (but you already knew that)
24. I use the snooze button way too much
25. I'm better at reading and writing than math
26. I never really wore flip-flops until I moved to Michigan and had to deal with very hot summers
27. I have a minor shoe addiction, but my lack of money helps me keep it in check
28. I've always wanted to have a funny nickname (besides the crappy ones that my family call me)
29. Some of the crappy nicknames my family call me are: Man, Manny, Meanie, and Wiz
30. My Dad has always called me Pooh Bear (sometimes it's Pooh-Ba-Looh) and I actually like that one.
31. I still watch cartoons
32. I dislike being cold
33. I can't sleep if my feet are too hot or too cold
34. I love yellow sports cars - but it has to be the right type of yellow
35. I was once a dog person, I have since turned into a cat person (though I do love my dog)
36. I would love to live abroad
37. I prefer to have some type of background noise (radio, tv, etc.) - especially when I'm home by myself
38. I want to be cremated
39. Brownies are probably my favorite dessert
40. I love what I do, but I don't always love my job
41. I have been (and still am) a registered Girl Scout since I was four
42. I have a pretty good collection of Barbie Dolls
43. I am a licenced Optician
44. I had to rent the largest Penske truck when we moved across the country
45. I played the flute for nine years
46. I am addicted to diet coke, but in a good non-12 step kind of way
47. I am allergic to fresh pineapple, which is sad cause I really love it
48. I am allergic to most furry animals (including horses), but I have pets anyway
49. I love listening to opera on rainy days
50. I have been to 19 of the United States
51. I have one brother-in-law and one sister-in-law, but no parent in-laws
52. I've been to most of western Europe
53. I only knew one pair of my grandparents
54. I don't like to camp, but I have and probably will again
55. I got laid off from a software company when the dot com bubble was bursting
56. Then I took an eight week cooking class
57. I am seriously afraid of snakes and spiders
58. I am overcoming my fear of spiders because they're everywhere in Michigan - all summer long
59. I am fairly computer savvy
60. Most people would consider me an Extrovert, rather than an Introvert
61. I really am an Introvert, but being an extrovert is part of my job
62. Scott is my best friend
63. I do counted cross-stitch and am not 100 years old
64. I have made a couple of quilts, but am not much of a quilter
65. I have a weakness for gummy frogs
66. I have one sister
67. I am the oldest child in our family
68. I have a bunch of typical "first-born" traits
69. I have three cats
70. I was in a sorority in college
71. I graduated from UC Santa Cruz
72. I went to a Catholic high school, but not because I'm Catholic
73. I prefer baking to cooking
74. My cell phone ring is "Barbie Girl"
75. I do not have a good face for hats
76. I hate cleaning house
77. I also dislike laundry, not doing it so much as folding it
78. I love new books
79. I've been to three Barenaked Ladies concerts
80. I have a ton of lipsticks and glosses but rarely wear any of them
81. I like making Christmas cookies, but rarely do it
82. I like traveling for business, when I used to do it
83. I used to work in the dot com industry
84. I have to read at night to fall asleep
85. I fall asleep better if I'm in bed alone, but I sleep better with someone in the bed
86. I really loved the Harry Potter series and cried when I finished the last book
87. I lived on a sail boat for 4 years
88. I dislike drinking water
89. I love getting mail (but not bills), email counts
90. I love going through open homes or model homes
91. I like to turn the music up really loud and dance around the house
92. I get flushed and blotchy when I get mad, stressed or drink too much
93. My Grandmother and I used to dance all the time - and it's something I miss all the time
94. I would love to work for the World Wildlife Federation or something like that
95. The last time I balanced my check book was at least 15 years ago
96. My ideal life would be working full time, but having two months vacation
97. There are very few sports I like to play or watch
98. When ever I've had a really bad day I like to curl up in bed and watch Mary Poppins
99. I don't really like coffee
100. I changed my middle name to my maiden name when I got married
Current Music: A Little Less Conversation - Elvis
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
100th Post...
Posted by Mandy Lou at 9:20 AM
Labels: blog-a-licious, TMI
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I absolutely love Airdales!! Didn't realize you had one? Are they good dogs, friendly, trainable, do they shed? sorry... I have always wanted one. Do I want to know why one of your nick names is Wiz?
If you could get a prize for the 100th blog... what do you think it would be?
Congrats on your 112th post :)
Nablopomo...2 mo! yay!
My 85 is the exact opposite of yours.
Balancing a checkbook? What's that?
(just fyi... i stole the 100things idea from many. i thought it was a blogging tradition :)
Okay where to start...
Very cool you are a licensed Optician.
How did you live on a sailboat for 4 years...where were you? How cool is that. I'd get sick though..rockin' around.
Number 95? Me too!!! Can't remember when the last time was. LOL!
Very cool post. Glad to know more aboutcha!
oh, girl. how can you not like coffee!
and i am so into the Grey's soundtrack too. I love that music. makes me all weepy and stuff. and it's on tonite! woohooooooo!!
Great list!!
Congrats on your 100th post, I told scoobers I was going to steal her idea too, I have about 25 or so more posts to go before my turn.
So is kitchen design your thing, or just another job before you figure our what your going to be when you grow up. You've had quite the variety of jobs. When we remodelled our house a year ago I got to design my kitchen and my minibar in the basement and it was so fun, I loved my kitchen designers, they were great, I remember thinking what a fun job that would be.
Living on a sailboat for 4 years sounds so cool, when and where, you should post about that more, I think all your readers are curious.
I too am addicted to diet coke, I don't like my feet, but I've gotten over it and now flip flops are my staple shoe for summer (I think I have 20 pairs)
Gummy frogs?? I've never seen them, but have you tried chocolate covered gummy bears? They are the best.
About the not balancing your check book, I think there are a lot of people that don't. I haven't done it since I was 16 and only started doing it then because I bounced 15 checks in one week. OOPS! I don't anymore, and haven't for years. (bounce checks or balance my checkbook)
And I just ate a whole pineapple hoping it would send me into labor. I don't think it's going to work, and now I never want to eat pineapple again.
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