Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bring on the Trick-or-Treaters

When you don't have kids there are two categories you can fall into on Halloween - the scary old couple that never answers the door and inevitably end up with TP in their trees, or you can be the cool, overly decorated house that gives out tons of candy. While Scott will always vote for the first (his favorite part of Halloween is all the left over candy), I would love to be in the second category.

Now I need to say that I have huge issues with Trick-or-Treaters - namely, we've never had many. I grew up on a small dark street that was too spooky to trick-or-treat on (a banner year at my parent's house was 15 kids, and that was the year that I had a Halloween party). So when we moved out to the burbs I got all excited to have my first real Trick-or-Treaters (it's tough getting many kids to trick-or-treat in apartment complexes). The good news is that we had moved to a very nice neighborhood (you know, the kind where people bus their kids in just to get all the good candy), the bad news is that our driveway is so long that no kid dared go down it (too dark and scary - again!).

For the past two years all of our neighbors have run out of candy in an hour and a half - while we're stuck with tons of extra candy - and by Thanksgiving we're left with all the crapy stuff neither of us like to eat.

So I think I've remedied that problem. Three hours and seven sets of Pumpkin Head Lights and six strings of orange and purple twinkle lights later I think we may be festive enough to get some kids down to the house! I've laid in six bags of candy (all the stuff I like, just in case we don't end up giving it all away) and we're prepared for the kids (I hope)!

Current Music: Nightmare on My Street - DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince (Old school, yes. But besides Thriller is there any good Halloween Music?)


Lori said...

I'm sure all your hard work will attract trick or treaters. I always go with my nieces and nephews and the house on the end of the block is the most decorated and they all think that is so cool and beg their mom to decorate their own house like that.
On the flip side, at least you got good candy.

Scoobers said...

I had none. Zero. Nada. No trick or treaters. I was hoping to break last year's record of... one.

Happy Halloween!

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